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jasmin bryant smiling in front of a castle in trier, germany

Are you tired of spending hours trying to record a 30 second video?

Are you sick and tired of doing take after take after frustrating take when all you want is a 30 second video?  Or maybe you're too nervous or afraid to get started?

Don't worry!  I've got your back!


I help people just like YOU become friends with the camera so you can show up in your business ... be visible and vibe with your tribe.


It's a proven fact, when businesses are visible, you make money! Don't be the world's best kept secret.  Get out there and show your stuff and ROCK THAT VIDEO!

Video Coaching Can Help With:

Improving Your On-Camera Presence   

Developing Your Personal Brand

Overcoming Camera Anxiety and Fear

Creating Engaging Video Content   

All coaching sessions, except for VIP days and weekend masterminds are done remotely to ensure convenience and accessibility.

Our Clients Say:

"I highly recommend working with her (Jasmin) if you struggle with being on camera, which was my problen at first."

Lisa Marie R.: Canada

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